Pastor Moustaky Joseph

My name is Moustaky Joseph, from Pignon. I am 29 years old, almost 30. I get a bachelor degree in theology at SonLight Bible College; I am a pastor. It is a passion for me working with the youth, at my church "friends of Christ" in Pignon; and I am a Chaplain, which is my daily activity at  the "Bienfaisance" Hospital and Schools of Pignon. 
Everyday, I have the privilege to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the rooms of the hospital, providing counseling and guidance to the patients and their family. Praying and doing devotion with the staff early in the morning at the external clinic, having meeting prayer at noon everyday and worship service once or twice a month. but sadly because of the Corona virus we slow our gathering at the chapel. I am also in charge of the Christian Education for PFH/CBP students. please let me know if you want more information about myself.
  • Moustakyaudio
  • Moustakyproclaimers
  • Cross Above Cap Haitien
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